Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Embedded C Programing and the atmel avr

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Posted on: 08 September 2010 08:36
Subject: Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR, 2nd Edition

Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning | Richard Barnett | ISBN: 1418039594 | 2006 | PDF | 530 pages | 73,87 Mb This text focuses on software development for embedded controllers using the C language. This book is built on Atmel AVR architecture and implementation, and features the CodeVisionAVR compiler, as well as other powerful, yet inexpensive, development tools. This book is suitable as a handbook for those desiring to learn the AVR processors or as a text for college-level microcontroller courses.

To download the book click here

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Best Questions for Embedded Programers

Interview Questions:

1. What are static variables?
2. What are volatile variables?
3. What do you mean by const keyword ?
4. What is interrupt latency?
5. How you can optimize it?
6. What is size of character, integer, integer pointer, character pointer?
7. What is NULL pointer and what is its use?
8. What is void pointer and what is its use?
9. What is ISR?
10.What is return type of ISR?
11.Can we use any function inside ISR?
12.Can we use printf inside ISR?
13.Can we put breakpoint inside ISR?
14.How to decide whether given processor is using little endian format or big endian format ?
15.What is Top half & bottom half of a kernel?
16.Difference between RISC and CISC processor.
17.What is RTOS?
18.What is the difference between hard real-time and soft real-time OS?
19.What type of scheduling is there in RTOS?
20.What is priority inversion?
21.What is priority inheritance?
22.How many types of IPC mechanism you know?
23.What is semaphore?
24.What is spin lock?
25.What is difference between binary semaphore and mutex?
26.What is virtual memory?
27.What is kernel paging?
28.Can structures be passed to the functions by value?
29.Why cannot arrays be passed by values to functions?
30.Advantages and disadvantages of using macro and inline functions?
31.What happens when recursion functions are declared inline?
32.#define cat(x,y) x##y concatenates x to y. But cat(cat(1,2),3) does not expand but gives
pre processor warning. Why?
33.Can you have constant volatile variable? Yes, you can have a volatile pointer?
34.++*ip increments what? it increments what ip points to
35.Operations involving unsigned and signed — unsigned will be converted to signed
36.malloc(sizeof(0)) will return — valid pointer
37.main() {fork();fork();fork();printf("hello world"); } — will print 8 times.
38.Array of pts to functions — void (*fptr[10])()
39.Which way of writing infinite loops is more efficient than others? there are 3ways.
40.Who to know whether system uses big endian or little endian format and how to convert
among them?
41.What is forward reference w.r.t. pointers in c?
42.How is generic list manipulation function written which accepts elements of any kind?
43.What is the difference between embedded systems and the system in which RTOS is running?
44.How can you define a structure with bit field members?
45.How do you write a function which takes 2 arguments - a byte and a field in the byte and
returns the value of the field in that byte?
46.Which parameters decide the size of data type for a processor ?
47.What is job of preprocessor, compiler, assembler and linker ?
48.What is the difference between static linking and dynamic linking ?
49.How to implement a WD timer in software ?

To download Questions and answers CLICK HERE

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